Thursday, September 8, 2011

Eco Speakers

I am always fascinated with speakers and I dont know why. Even when my family passed by a store for radio/ipod/mp3 speakers they always thought of me..

Anyway, so pumped when I got these new one! It's called "Eco Speakers" (for my sister's language, its called Basura Speakers) for obvious reasons, it is an "upcycled" material. Upcycling is a process which transforms materials that would go to waste into usable products.

Eco friendly, no battery required, no need for electricity, and works on all kinds of mp3/ipod/disc player as long as with the universal plug.

Yep, mine is made out of Skittles box.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My world is like a bubble. Every decision is made for me. From what I should want.. what I should need.. what path should I take.. how to spend my day.. what I am going to do for a living..

I haven't developed enough self-esteem from within. It's the expectations and hopes of people around me that can eat me up inside and make me feel utterly worthless.

As a bubble I am fragile, but I want to float away to where my dreams are.

Considering of moving out for few months. Should I or I shouldn't? Why or why not? Hmm. Caught in the middle.